Osmosis Test Tube

Osmosis Test Tube is a rust-based test framework that allows developers to test for multi-contract interactions without having to dispatch messages, storage and other variables themselves. This environment is even closer to the actual on-chain mechanisms than Cw Multi Test, because it runs tests directly on the actual chain binaries. With cw-orchestrator, most of the osmosis-test-tube logic is abstracted away, but you can still learn more about the framework here.


In order to use osmosis-test-tube, the library needs to be able to compile and install the chain binaries. For that you will need to install a go compiler as well as the clang library. Run the following commands to install both of those libraries.


  1. Install go
  2. Install the clang library
    sudo apt install clang

Arch Linux

  1. Install go
    sudo pacman -Sy go
  1. Install the clang library
    sudo pacman -Sy clang

Quick Start

Before starting, here is a few examples utilizing the osmosis-test-tube environment

To be able to use osmosis-test-tuee you need to add the cw-orch-osmosis-test-tube dependency inside your crate.

Creating a test environment in cw-orchestrator that leverages osmosis-test-tube goes along the lines of:

    use cw_orch::prelude::*;
    use cw_orch_osmosis_test_tube::OsmosisTestTube;
    use cosmwasm_std::coins;
    let mut chain = OsmosisTestTube::new(coins(1_000_000_000_000, "uosmo"));

This snippet will create a new address, provide it with initial balances and create the osmosis-test-tube environment. The addresses are not handled like in the cw-multi-test environment or in mock tests and can’t be decided upon manually. You will learn more later about handling addresses in the OsmosisTestTube environment.

NOTE: When using osmosis-test-tube, the addresses are validated like on a live chain.

NOTE: When using osmosis-test-tube, gas fees are charged to the sender address. The gas fees don’t represent the actual gas fees you will occur when interacting with the actual chain. That’s why in the test snippet above, the amount of uosmo instantiated with the account is very high.

Interacting with contracts

You can then use the resulting OsmosisTestTube variable to interact with your contracts:

    let contract_counter = CounterContract::new(chain.clone());

    let upload_res = contract_counter.upload();

    let init_res = contract_counter.instantiate(&InstantiateMsg { count: 0 }, None, None);

When executing contracts in an osmosis_test_tube environment, the messages and sub-messages sent along the Response of an endpoint, will be executed as well. This environment mimics the actual on-chain execution by dispatching the messages inside the actual chain binaries.

This environment uses wasm files compiled from the project. Therefore, you need to compile the WASM artifacts from the project for your osmosis-test-tube integration tests. You will need to have the wasm function fom the Uploadabletrait implemented . See the dedicated page for more details.


When cloning an osmosis_test_tube environment, you are not cloning the entire environment, but instead you are creating a new OsmosisTestTube typed variable with the same underlying osmosis_test_tube::App object reference. This is useful for objects that require to pass the chain as an object rather than by reference. The underlying osmosis_test_tube::App object is however not clonable.

Additional tools

The OsmosisTestTube test environment allows you to change application variables (such as the balance of an account) using wrappers around the underlying osmosis_test_tube::App object. Here are some examples of those wrappers in context:

    let new_sender = chain.init_account(coins(100_000, "ujunox")).unwrap();

    // Reuploads as the new sender

    // Here the contract_counter sender is again `sender`

    // Sets the new_sender as the definite sender

    // From now on the contract_counter sender is `new_sender`

NOTE: With OsmosisTestTube, you can’t create accounts with a specific address. Accounts are created by the app directly and you don’t have a lot of control over them. As in the example above, use OsmosisTestTube::init_account to create a new account.

Additional customization

As we don’t provide wrappers around each and every functionality that osmosis_test_tube provides, you can also customize the underlying osmosis_test_tube::App object to your specific needs. In the following example, we increase the block time in the test environment:
