Environment Variables

cw-orch leverages some environment variables to interact with contracts on actual blockchains. The environment variables are described here. You can find additional information about their usage, default values and types in the cw-orch repo.

IMPORTANT: Before proceeding, ensure that you add .env to your .gitignore. We are not responsible for any loss of funds due to leaked mnemonics.


You can provide mnemonics directly to the Daemon using the following environment variables. Those variables will be used if the mnemonic setter is not used. See the Daemon page for more detailed information on mnemonic usage.

  • MAIN_MNEMONIC will be used when working with a Mainnet (PHOENIX_1, OSMOSIS_1…)
  • TEST_MNEMONIC will be used when working with a Testnet (PISCO_1, UNI_6…)
  • LOCAL_MNEMONIC will be used when working locally (LOCAL_JUNO…)

Only 24-word mnemonics are supported at this time. If you’re experienced with keychain and private key management we’d really appreciate your help in adding support for other formats. Please reach out to us on Discord if you’re interested in helping out.

Saving and Loading State


Optional, accepted values: Path to a valid file Default value: ~./cw-orchestrator/state.json

This environment variable indicates the location of the state file that cw-orch will use to save on-chain state (addresses and code ids). Here is the behavior of this env variable:

  • folder/file.json will resolve to ~/.cw-orchestrator/folder/file.json
  • ./folder/file.json will resolve $pwd/folder/file.json
  • ../folder/file.json will resolve $pwd/../folder/file.json
  • /usr/var/file.json will resolve to /usr/var/file.json


Optional, accepted values: Path to a valid directory

Path where the wasms will be fetched. This is used by ArtifactsDir::env() inside the code. This is used in case you are using different tools than what is produced by rust-optimizer. Prefer using the following macro if you are using wasms produced by rust-optimizer:


Transaction options


Optional, accepted values: float

This allows changing the gas buffer applied after tx simulation. Use this in case a transaction is blocked for insufficient gas reasons.


Optional, accepted values: integer

Minimum gas amount for every transaction. Useful when transaction still won’t pass even when setting a high gas_buffer or for mixed transaction scripts.


Optional, accepted values: integer Defaults to 50.

Changes the number of tx queries (~1 query per block) before it fails if it doesn’t find any result. Useful if the chain is slow or if the transaction has low gas price.


Optional, accepted values:

  • (integer)ms (e.g. 57ms), to indicate the min block time in milliseconds
  • (integer)s (e.g. 57s), to indicate the min block time in seconds
  • (integer) (e.g. 57), to indicate the min block time in seconds

Defaults to 1s.

Minimum block time. This is used internally by cw-orch when broadcasting transactions. Useful when the block time are varying a lot.


Optional, accepted values:

  • (integer)ms (e.g. 57ms), to indicate the max block time in milliseconds
  • (integer)s (e.g. 57s), to indicate the max block time in seconds
  • (integer) (e.g. 57), to indicate the max block time in seconds

Maximum block time. This is used internally by cw-orch when broadcasting transactions. Useful when the block time are varying a lot.


Optional, accepted values: true, false Defaults to true

By default, cw-orch verifies that the account has sufficient balance to pay for gas fees. If it detects that the balance is too low, it propmts the user to fill up their wallet with gas tokens and allows for retrying at the press of a button.

If set to false, it won’t check the user has enough balance before broadcasting transactions.


Optional, accepted values: true, false Defaults to true

Some actions require user-intervention. If set to false, this disables those interventions. Useful when working in scripts that can’t handle user-intervention.

Supported actions:

  • Balance checks. When set to false, if the gas token balance is too low to submit a transaction, it will error.
  • Deployment checks. When set to false, if no deployment file is detected when deploying a structure using the Deploy::multi_deploy function, it will deploy to all provided chains without asking for approval.



Optional, accepted values: debug, error, info, warn, trace

RUST_LOG defines the Log level for the application. This is actually a Rust flag that we use inside cw-orch. If working with this environment variable, don’t forget to also initialize a logger at the beginning of your application to be able to see the output. You can work with pretty_env_logger for instance.


Optional, accepted values: false, true Defaults to false

If equals to true, in the output logs, cw-orch will serialize the contract messages (instantiate, execute, query,… ) as JSON. This replaces the standard Rust Debug formatting and allows for easy copying and sharing of the executed messages.


Optional, accepted values: false, true

Defaults to true

By default if the logs are not enabled, cw-orch wil print a warning message to invite users to activate the logging capabilities of cw-orch. if equals to false, the warning message is disabled.